Voted Best Baby Massage!
"Tum e Time: Creative Ways to Play With Your Baby
After spending twenty-plus years working at schools and hospitals with occupational, physical, speech and language therapists and working as a program coordinator for an early-intervention center serving special-needs babies, Oakland resident Kim Lyons became a mother. Working and playing with her own baby inspired her to study time-tested techniques for infant massage- a delicate process, given that the body being massaged is tiny and fragile, but rewarding physically and mentally for both grown-up and child. Lyons has also received training in doula support, CranioSacral therapy, and acupressure, and has earned certificates in teaching infant massage and yoga for special-needs children. Experience has taught her that infant massage aids digestion, boosts the immune system, assists circulation and respiration, reduces stress, and offers relaxation and deeper sleep. Believing that babies enjoy massage and benefit from it as much as people of any other age do, Lyons created Tum e Time, a program she offers in Oakland and Berkeley to teach parents and other caregivers techniques for infant yoga, infant massage, and other forms of creative play meant to strengthen bonds, promote relaxation, and alleviate gas."
You can view the digital version of the Best of the East Bay Issue here: